Understanding the US Government’s Plandemic, Bioterrorism and Virology Complex
Last Updated on February 24, 2025 by Primary Researcher
Executive Summary
- There exists a bioterrorism and virology industrial complex that has been working behind the scenes for many decades to promote plan-demics.
- The covid 19 plan-demic exposed this system.
The biology and plan-demic bioterrorism complex is a highly coordinated system across private entities like the Bill Gates Foundation, pharmaceutical companies, and US and international health authorities.
The Number One Global Bioterrorist is the U.S. Government
This quote is from the article Covid-19 Was the 34th Terrorist Attack Involving Biological Agents From 1970 to 2020.
Bioterrorism is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, toxins or chemical concoctions with the goal of causing widespread chaos, mass sickness and death and economic destruction. In the past 50 years, nearly three dozen terrorist attacks are documented that involved biological agents, yet up until Covid-19 was created and released, all the other biological attacks only racked up about 800 injuries and 9 deaths, according to records published in PubMed.
Two-thirds of those biological terrorist attacks occurred on U.S. soil.
That is because the target of the US bioterrorism and virology complex is the US population—not to use it as a weapon against other countries. While bioterrorism is not an effective military weapon, it is a perfect weapon for promoting pharmaceutical interests and controlling the domestic population.
Who Are The Beneficiaries?
- The biological industrial complex and the government desire more control over the population. Through mandatory vaccines implemented in response to US government US bioterrorism, the health authorities and pharmaceutical companies can establish a precedent that can then be expanded to other forms of medical treatment.
- Pharmaceutical companies are enabling them to sell more vaccines, even though the vaccines do nothing against them.
- Bill Gates and his fake charity and biotech scam — the Bill Gates Foundation.
- All levels of government can use the pandemic to have more control over the population and restrict their rights.
The controllers of this bioterrorism industrial complex are the WHO, CDC, Bill Gates, FDA, the NIH — specifically Fauci’s division within the NIH called the National Institute of Infectious Diseases or NIAID.
From Anthrax to Monkeypox, and from Zika to Swine Flu, we’ve experienced just about every kind of bioterrorism imaginable, but it usually comes from rogue government agencies and their cohorts in the military, rather than from a small group of jihad-style psychopaths with twisted religious convictions.
Dr. Marrazzon replaced Dr. Fauci after he retired. The role of the director of the NIAID and its $6.6 billion dollar budget is to promote the vaccine industrial complex and fund bioweapons research that can promote future pandemics. The country’s health would be far better if the NIAID were simply shut down.
Another thing all the health authorities, including the NIAID, provide a false history of previous pandemics, how viruses work, the risks of viruses, and so on. See the article The WHO and CDC’s History of Using the Spanish Flu to Exaggerate Risks to see how the plan-demic complex has leveraged the Spanish Flu to help increase fear in the public, by providing entirely false information about the Spanish Flu.
COVID-19 is the Playbook of the Bioterrorism Complex
By far, the most effective bioterrorism event in world history was the covid pandemic. Isn’t it interesting that this lab-manufactured gain of function virus — which even the US government now admits most likely came out of the Wuhan lab, was funded by the US government (from grants from many US government agencies, including USAID and the NIH) after gain of function research was outlawed in the US during the Obama administration.
To really understand the covid plan-demic. (my grammar checking converts plan-demic into pandemic if I don’t place a dash in between. Apparently, plan-demic is not a real word!) That is to really understand the covid pandemic you should read our article on the swine flu plan-demic from the 1970s — The CDC’s Swine Flu Vaccine Plandemic of 1976, and also the one from 2009 The CDC’s Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine Plandemic of 2009.
Plan-demic the Documentary
It is interesting that this video is streamed from Rumble, and is not available on YouTube.
The plan-demic virology complex consumes government funding to work against the interests of the public and in favor of the interests of he large entities that benefit from the exaggerations and lies told by the complex.