Executive Summary

  • This article covers some of the testimonials regarding our site and using Ivermectin.


This is designed to provide evidence-based analysis of medical treatment without the traditional interference from medical entities with financial bias.

Testimonial #1: Stage 4 Triple N Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 triple n breast cancer in February of ’23. My lungs were full of tumors and my onc made it pretty clear he did not have high hopes for my outcome. He was also planning on a mastectomy and radiation, the tumor in my left breast was so large he never expected it to shrink enough for a lumpectomy, never mind go away altogether.

I got onto ivermectin immediately, started weekly high dose vitamin C infusions, got iv chemo and immunotherapy.

Well, 5 months in I was doing so well in terms of my numbers that my oncologist cut my chemo short. At 6 months I had a second PET scan … and every single tumor was gone. My numbers are all normal and stable, I’ve since had another completely clear scan and I have no evidence of disease.

I never had surgery or radiation either, and I’m absolutely convinced that ivermectin was a huge factor in my miracle.

Testimonial #2: Colorectal Cancer

I was first diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer (CRC) on April 27, 2017. The Doctor said it was between Stages 1 & 2. He told me to get ready for the ride of my life starting that next week with the beginning phase of Radiation Therapy to try and reduce the tumor.

Then, when I recover from the Radiation, he will start me on Chemotherapy. After I recovered from that, I would have needed surgery to remove the tumor, and hopefully, the other treatments would have brought the size down considerably.

During the surgery, they would need to resection my colon and put a temporary bag on me.

After I recovered from the surgery, my oncologist said at least 2 months, then they would give me Chemotherapy again to make sure no cancer is floating around from the surgery.

After I recover from that, then they will do surgery again to see how much damage they did from the Radiation, Chemo & Surgery, to see if they can reconnect my colon, or just put a permanent bag on me. After that, you guessed it — the next planned step was one last round of Chemotherapy to make sure there was no disruption of cancer cells in the previous surgery.

All in all, he said to be prepared to have 1 to 1-1/2 years of being in the hospital or sick at home. Then, 50/50 chance I’ll be OK with No Evidence of Disease (NED). If I did NOT start that following week, I’d be dead in 6 months to one year.

I immediately started doing research, and the first docuseries I watched was “The Truth About Cancer, Quest for the Cure”. I immediately knew at that point, I will NOT be doing conventional treatment and I will find and do any Alternative Medicine I could find.

I started by eliminating the worst things for cancer: Sugar, Stress, High Carbs, and foods that all turn into Sugars, Pesticides, and GMOs. I stopped eating Fast Food and Restaurants that included all the additives. I started juicing and eating Organic and non-GMO foods. I kept watching all the documents they made on healthy eating and lifestyles. I then started on CBD oil and FECO. I did this for 6 years and felt better than my entire adult life.

Fast track to December 2023. I found brightworkresearchtreatment.com and started researching Ivermectin at a friend of mine’s suggestion. I was sold on what properties it has and how IVM can disrupt the communication with cancer cells. I’ve been on 2 pills (24 mg) per day, every day since then. I get them from summitproducts.org, since they have a high rating for Purity. I got a stomach ache and headache every couple of days for a couple of weeks. That’s from Cell Die Off, and I had that before and knew to expect that. That’s proof the IVM is working. About four months in, I started getting an unbelievable amount of energy and was feeling my normal self again, and I was able to outperform young workers on my Farm. Did I mention I’m 70 years old and going like I was 30?

Please research and see that Doctors and Big Pharma are NOT doing anything for your best interest. Remember the saying “A patient cured, is a customer lost”. That is NO lie. Watch Documentaries and Docu-Series’ that show how a GOOD Lifestyle and the food you eat can make you healthy. The IVM is a great supplement to that lifestyle and it’s very safe.

Testimonial #3: Ivermectin and Febendazole and Metastasis

My wife’s colon cancer metastasized to her liver. Since taking Fenbendazole one week and IV the next her latest PET scan showed her liver improving. Out of 4 tumors, 2 have disappeared and the other 2 have decreased in size considerably. The colon tumor has not grown or spread elsewhere.

Testimonial #4: Short-Term Improvement Due to Ivermectin

I just wanted to give you a quick follow up. It’s been 2 1/2 weeks since I’ve been taking one pill a day. I went for my blood work today. It’s the first time and I can’t even even remember, nothing was high or low. I just had a real bad issue with platelets last week in the hospital, they were 33 when I left on Friday today when I went in they were 100,000 Dr was amazed and thinks he did it.

So I am totally off chemo until or if anything comes back. And the kidneys are healing.

MDs are often not told when their patients are on Ivermectin; in any case, the MD only wants to attribute any improvement to their conventional treatments. As Ivermectin is more widely taken for cancer, the medical establishment is taking 100% of the credit from Ivermectin and applying it to their conventional treatments.

Testimonial #5: For Multiple Myeloma

My Multiple Myeloma has been slowed down considerably being on 20 mg of Ivermectin daily.

Testimonial #6: Cancer With a Dog

Just an FYI…my dog (120lb Doberman with Lipoma diagnosis on 7/12/24 / very sick with 1-2 months to live) has improved tremendously! He’s back to himself on Ivermectin 12mg per day. The tumors are still there, but smaller and all inflammation is gone. Appetite is back, lots of energy and bright eyed. I’m very thankful!

This general comment is from the article from the document, The role of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions in treating cancer.

While many in vitro studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of ivermectin against multiple cancers, the reported clinical effectiveness is limited to small case series.

However, it appears that ivermectin is widely prescribed across the world for cancer. Further, I am aware of multiple anecdotal reports of solid tumors that have shown a dramatic response to repurposed drug regimens that included ivermectin.