How Pharma Companies and the Medical Establishment Crushed Academic Freedom

Executive Summary Medical academic freedom has gone into a free fall under the influence and money of the pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment. Introduction The medical establishment has censored medical professors who do not toe the line, so there is an excellent question about how much academic freedom is left in the US and…

Lies Told by Forbes and Big Pharma on Elizabeth Warren Recommendation

Executive Summary Pfizer paid Forbes to run a highly deceptive article from Pfizer’s head of research on how Pfizer should not pay for any of the NIH’s budget. Introduction John LaMattina, the head of research at Pfizer, wrote a highly deceptive article regarding a plan introduced by Elizabeth Warren. We cover these deceptions in the…

How Low Are the FDA’s Standards of Evidence for New Drug Approval?

Executive Summary There is a great misunderstanding about what standard the FDA uses for new drug approval. We cover the standard they use and the implications. Introduction Since its inception, “FDA approved” has carried much meaning. The FDA’s basic standards for approving a new drug are little known. Pharmaceutical companies leverage this lack of knowledge…

How Both The FDA And The European Medicine Agency Are Controlled By Pharmaceutical Companies

Executive Summary The FDA and EMA do fill very similar regulatory roles. The problem is that pharmaceutical companies control both agencies. Introduction The FDA and EMA are two of the best-known drug regulators in the world, and both of these regulators have the same problem. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You…

The FDA, CDC and NIH Do Not Want Adverse Drug Reactions Counted

Executive Summary The FDA, CDC, and NIH promote the safety of drugs, but none of them want the public to know about adverse reactions. Introduction The FDA, CDC, and NIH do not like the public knowing about the adverse reactions of drugs, and this is because of the deep financial ties between these agencies and…

How FDA Drug Approval Process is More About the Submitting Company than the Drug Itself

Executive Summary The FDA pretends its drug approval process is about the information submitted to them in the documents. In reality, the FDA approves based on the submitting company. Introduction It is generally thought that the FDA’s drug approval process is based upon the data in the submission documents to the FDA from clinical trials….

How WebMD is a Marketing Front End for the Medical Establishment

Executive Summary WebMD is frequently used to look up medical information; however, it does everything possible to hide its financial conflicts. Introduction WebMD is one of the most popular sources of medical information online. However, most people that read WebMD give very little thought to who controls the site. Wait One Second… Why is The…