Why Brightwork Does Not Publish Author Names On Articles

Executive Summary Our articles do not have named authors. This article explains the reason why. Introduction There is an important reason why we do not have published names as the authors of our articles. Question From Potential Subscriber This is an email from a potential subscriber. I’m considering subscribing to your site, but I can’t…

What Happens to MDs Who Buck the Medical Establishment

Executive Summary MDs who question the medical establishment are, in most cases, aggressively punished. Introduction We have concluded that most MDs are robots. They work their way through the rat maze to get to the cheese. Questioning the maze interferes with getting the cheese. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

Things The Medical Establishment Does That Damages Health

Executive Summary Many areas of the medical establishment are damaging our health. We cover some important examples. Introduction While writing an article on the poor nutrient quality of food in hospitals, which you can read at The Irresponsible Poor Nutrition Quality of Hospital Food, I came upon the concept that hospitals and medical establishment doing…

How The NIH Head Tries to Explain Why NIH Funding Does Not Improve Health

Executive Summary The quotes from Dr. Francis Collins illustrate how the NIH tries to divorce itself from health outcomes. Introduction While reviewing an interview given by the head of the NIH, Dr. Fancis Collins, I found an interesting question asked by the NPR interviewer. How Dr. Collins responded is the topic of this article. Wait…

How Pharmaceutical Companies Bribe MDs to Prescribe Their Drugs

Executive Summary There is a long-established history of pharmaceutical companies bribing MDs to prescribe their drugs. Introduction When a patient visits a doctor’s office, they are never apprised that, in many cases, the MD has been bribed to write the prescription the patient will receive. Go to top Bribery for MDs that Prescribe Opioids Bribery…

The Censorship of Effective Treatments by the Medical Journals

Executive Summary Medical journals present themselves as unbiased — however, the reality is that they are controlled by the corporate interests to censor opposing views. Introduction Medical journals make money from publishing specific research that fits with the status quo and with pre-existing concepts that support various medical lines of business. That is, they have…

Why FDA Approval Does Mean a Drug is Safe or Effective

Executive Summary The FDA’s approval communicates that a drug is safe and effective to the public. This understanding is false. Introduction Paxlovid was an attempt by Pfizer to create a therapeutic for covid. Pfizer (as it usually does) falsified all of the clinical trials it controlled for Paxlovid and had the entirety of the medical…

The Corruption and Lack of Reliability of Global Drug Regulators and Drug Approval

Executive Summary Globally, the corruption of drug regulators is nearly complete. Drug regulators view themselves as working for drug companies rather than the public. Introduction Drug regulators can be said to work for drug companies even though they are officially part of the government. Drug companies have worked hard since drug regulators were first established,…

Why US Health Authorities Are a Political Clown Show

Executive Summary Extensive research into the area has led us to conclude that US health authorities are more political than scientific. Introduction The less one knows about the US health authorities, the more legitimate these agencies appear; conversely, the more one looks into the behavior of these agencies, the worse the story gets. Wait One…

How The FDA Routinely Covers Up Clinical Trial Fraud

Executive Summary The FDA has a long history of covering up clinical trial fraud by pharmaceutical companies. Introduction The less one knows about the FDA, the more legitimate the agency appears, and conversely, the more one looks into the behavior of the FDA, the worse the story gets. Wait One Second… Why is The Article…