The Mechanisms by Which Green Tea Works Against Cancer

Executive Summary Green tea is highly beneficial for both cancer prevention and treatment. This article describes the mechanism of green tea on cancer. Introduction Green tea is one of the best foods to prevent and fight cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article…

What the Use of Vegetable Oils Did to Israeli Health

Executive Summary A national test was performed in Israel regarding vegetable oils due to religious restrictions. This test resulted in very poor health outcomes for Israel. Introduction Israel provided an isolated test for what happens to a country that uses high amounts of vegetable oils. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You…

Why BMI Does Not Matter As Much as One Would Think it Would

Executive Summary BMI is an indicator of health that is broadly used but, in many cases, misapplied. There is a far more critical indicator of health, which is mitochondrial health. Introduction This article addresses the Body Mass Indicator or BMI. BMI is constantly used to determine health. However, it’s more complicated than looking at the…

How Ultraprocessed Food and Fast Food Are Designed by Food Chemists to Create Addiction

Executive Summary Ultra processed foods and fast foods are not normal foods. They are engineered to maximize consumption by being addictive. Introduction This article covers essential points made in a video about ultra-processed food. Before eating ultra-processed food, these points should be understood. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing…

Understanding Metabolic Disease and Its Impact on Health and Medicine

Executive Summary Metabolic disease results from eating ultra-processed food and has enormous connections to disease. Introduction Metabolic disease is a function of eating food-like products,” usually from a processed diet. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1:…

Analysis of Discovery Channel’s Video on Canola Oil

Executive Summary The Discovery Channel produced a video on canola oil. This video included many claims about canola oil, which we review in this article. Introduction Canola oil is one of the most commonly used cooking oils. And it is used so widely in large part because it is considered a healthy oil for cooking….

An MD Provides False Explanation of the Cause of Obesity on 60 Minutes

Executive Summary It was curious to see 60 Minutes cover an MD who provides a genetic hypothesis of obesity that can be easily disproven. Introduction Due to the massive increase in obesity levels in the past few decades, the medical establishment has been increasingly promoting genetics as a cause of obesity. Wait One Second… Why…

The Irresponsible Poor Nutrition Quality of Hospital Food

Executive Summary The medical system massively dismisses the importance of nutrition to health. This extends to the poor nutrition offered in hospital food. Introduction During the covid pandemic, it was curious how little the medical establishment discussed nutrition and supplementation, even though several vitamins and minerals are highly effective against covid, as there is widespread…

Are Lard and Butter More Healthy Than Vegetable Oils?

Executive Summary Vegetable oils have been presented as healthier than saturated fats like lard and butter for many decades. How accurate is this claim? Introduction For many decades, US dietary guidelines have proposed that people should minimize fat and stay away from saturated fats. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…