The Medical Establishment Resents People Checking Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions in VAERS

Executive Summary Health authorities are apoplectic that people would use the CDC’s adverse reaction database to inform themselves about covid vaccine adverse reactions. Introduction If there is one thing the medical establishment cannot tolerate, people use publicly available information on adverse reactions to their recommended treatments to make personal health decisions. This came to a…

How Adverse Drug Deaths Are Covered Up By Hospitals And The FDA

Executive Summary The medical establishment is very focused on minimizing adverse drug reactions and deaths. We cover the techniques they use to trick the public. Introduction Medical authorities have a strong incentive and history of minimizing and depressing adverse drug reactions and deaths. This article explains how they do this. Wait One Second… Why is…

The Constant Covid Vaccine Manufacturing Quality Problems

Executive Summary The covid vaccines have had horrendous quality problems and differences in quality between batches. This story has barely been covered. Introduction It has been presented that there are no quality problems with various batches of covid vaccines, and this is incorrect, and mRNA vaccines were always challenging to manufacture and store to make…

What Happened With the Constantly Changing Story on the Effectiveness of the Covid Vaccines?

Executive Summary When the mRNA vaccines were first introduced, they were explained as having enormous effectiveness against covid. As time went on, the story kept changing. Introduction Many people were tricked into getting the vaccines through false claims regarding their effectiveness. The pharmaceutical companies, establishment media, and health authorities kept backing up what the vaccines…

How Safe Are The Covid 19 Vaccines?

Executive Summary There has been a vastly oversimplified absolute safety of effectiveness and safety of covid 19 vaccines. We cover this safety issue that the CDC, FDA, etc.. have minimized. Introduction Western health authorities and media have been nearly entirely focused on funding and promoting historically quickly-created coronavirus vaccines as the approved public policy response…

Why the Public Expects a Coronavirus Vaccine Too Quickly

Executive Summary Expectations have been created in the public’s minds regarding approving an unrealistic coronavirus vaccine. We cover how this came about. Introduction During the coronavirus, the public had come to expect the rapid development of a coronavirus vaccine. It has been common to hear projects of roughly 12 to 18 months. Wait One Second……

Pfizer Has Promoted its Vaccine for Coronavirus, But How Reliable Is Information from Pfizer?

Executive Summary Pfizer has made promises about its coronavirus vaccine. It is, therefore, essential to determine how reliable information is from Pfizer. Introduction The media coverage of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines has been effusive. They have promised vaccine benefits developed faster than any similar vaccine by multiple orders of magnitude. However, several questions…

Are Pfizer and Moderna Exaggerating the Effectiveness of their Corona Virus Vaccines?

Executive Summary Pfizer and Moderna are providing exaggerated information to the public about their coronavirus vaccines. This is having a deleterious effect on international policies for managing the coronavirus. Introduction Much has been made of the announced coronavirus vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing…