Did Pharmaceutical Companies Increase Introduce the IU To Scare People?

Executive Summary The pharmaceutical companies introduced IU, but with an intent that is not acknowledged, which is to make supplementation levels seem much higher. Introduction Pharmaceutical companies and medical establishments have a long history of diminishing natural substances. And this is the introduction of the International Units or IUs. Wait One Second… Why is The…

The Cover Up by the Medical Establishment on Vitamin D Levels

Executive Summary Vitamin D or D3 is essential for health. However, it has been deliberately de-emphasized by health authorities and the medical establishment. Introduction While reviewing the treatments for covid, I found something of interest regarding the natural supplements that were as effective as drugs like Ivermectin and Vitamin D. I covered the logic for…

How the Recommended Daily Allowances or RDAs Are Set Too Low by the FDA

Executive Summary The FDA keeps the RDAs so low that they are outdated with the research into vitamins and minerals. We cover why the FDA does this. Introduction The FDA keeps the RDAs artificially low. As the FDA knows better, there can only be a few reasons for doing this. Wait One Second… Why is…

A List of Supplements and Dosages to Support the Immune System

Executive Summary This article covers which supplements we have been taking to support our immune systems. Introduction While reviewing the treatments for covid, I found something of interest regarding the natural supplements that were as effective as drugs like Ivermectin. I cover the logic for the supplements selected in the article Why Are Some Supplements…

A Comparison of How Much Effort the CDC Puts Into Immunity Versus Vaccines

Executive Summary It is interesting to see how much effort the CDC puts into promoting vaccines versus promoting general immunity. Introduction While reviewing the treatments for covid, I found something of interest regarding the natural supplements that were as effective as drugs like Ivermectin. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

A List of Recommended Items and Dosages to Support the Immune System

Executive Summary Some natural supplements are effective for fighting covid. This article reviews the implications of this observation. Introduction While reviewing the treatments for covid, I found something of interest regarding the natural supplements that were as effective as drugs like Ivermectin. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this…

The Lack of Support by Employers and the Government for Breast Pumping at Work

Executive Summary Mothers that return to work often find a hostile work environment that pressures them to stop breast feeding and resort to formula. Introduction Several books, including Bottled Up How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood and Why It Shouldn’t, Lactivism, and Guilt-Free Bottle Feeding, propose overwhelming pressure on mothers…

The Continual Hidden Meaning in Infant Formula Marketing

Executive Summary Infant formula manufacturers have changed tactics to acknowledge breast milk is best. However, in their marketing, they seem to undermine this claim. Introduction A major part of infant formula marketing in the modern era is acknowledging breast feeding is best while undermining breastfeeding as “difficult” and finding a way to market their formula…

The Argument by Some Mothers That They Feel Pressured to Breast Feed

Executive Summary A major argument used to promote formula is that mothers feel overly pressured — bordering on abuse — to breast feed. Introduction There are several books, including Bottled Up How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood and Why It Shouldn’t, Lactivism, and Guilt Free Bottle Feeding, that propose there…

How Big Pharma Reduced Natural Immunity With Baby Formula

Executive Summary Pharma companies marketed and sold the idea of low-quality baby formula to mothers. This had both negative implications for nutrition and the immune system. Introduction There has been a curious lack of publication of the policy by pharma and the medical establishment to replace breastfeeding with low-quality, high-profit, and immunocompromising baby or infant…