How Ivermectin Improves Cancer Prevention and Treatment Through Improving Apoptosis or Programmed Cell Death

Executive Summary One of the mechanisms by which Ivermectin works to prevent and treat cancer is apoptosis. We cover quotes from studies on this topic in this article. Introduction One crucial benefit of Ivermectin is its impact on programmed cell death. Go to top Understanding How Apoptosis Works The cells in a body need to…

How Ivermectin Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator

Executive Summary Immunomodulation is the control of the response of the immune system to threats. This is what Ivermectin has proven to do to improve the immune system. Introduction A critical benefit of Ivermectin is its impact on moderating and optimizing the immune system’s response. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You…

How Ivermectin Reduces Cancer Chemotherapy Resistance

Executive Summary Ivermectin has been shown to reduce cancer chemotherapy resistance. This article explains how this works. Introduction Cancer chemotherapy resistance is an issue that must be addressed when undergoing this treatment. Using and selecting from the various chemotherapy drugs (of which there are over 500) is only one of the issues that cancer patients…

How The Covid Vaccines Damage The Body

Executive Summary The COVID-19 vaccines harm one’s immune system and several organs. This article covers the specific ways covid vaccines damage the body. Article Summary This article covers how the covid vaccines damage the body. This includes how the medical establishment has suppressed the side effects of the vaccines, how the vaccine manufacturers have been…

Are Lard and Butter More Healthy Than Vegetable Oils?

Executive Summary Vegetable oils have been presented as healthier than saturated fats like lard and butter for many decades. How accurate is this claim? Introduction For many decades, US dietary guidelines have proposed that people should minimize fat and stay away from saturated fats. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Insulin Resistance?

Executive Summary Artificial sweeteners are broadly taken and considered a healthy sugar substitute. What is less discussed is the impact on insulin resistance and appetite. Introduction An enormous percentage of the population uses artificial sweeteners. However, evidence has surfaced that artificial sweeteners should not be used as they cause insulin resistance.   Wait One Second……

How Dangerous Cancer Drugs Had Endpoints Changed by Pharmaceutical Companies for FDA Approval

Executive Summary Pharmaceutical companies developed many dangerous chemotherapy drugs that changed the endpoints to obtain FDA approval. Introduction There is an easy way to rig a pharmaceutical study entirely accepted by the FDA, and the approach is to change the endpoint after the survey has begun. This article will provide a fascinating quote on this…

Important Considerations and Factors for Planning Sleep

Executive Summary Most people do not plan their sleep. This article covers some of the essential considerations of sleep planning. Introduction Planning sleep is essential, as getting the best sleep and maximizing the repair cycle in your body.  Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

The Importance of Melatonin and The Body’s Repair Cycle

Executive Summary Melatonin is known as a sleep supplement or hormone. However, it has a critical role in the body’s repair cycle. Introduction Melatonin is usually discussed in terms of helping people get to sleep, which is the primary reason most people take melatonin. However, a lesser-discussed feature of melatonin concerning body repair will be…

Why The Medical Establishment Opposes Fiber Supplements

Executive Summary There is a widespread fiber deficiency in the population. This information is not incorporated into the advice provided by health authorities when they discuss fiber supplements. Introduction Most health authorities and MDs oppose fiber supplements, although confusingly, they acknowledge there is widespread fiber deficiency, and fiber is strongly associated with disease prevention. Wait…