How Yale, the FDA, and Merck Lied About Molnupiravir’s Inferiority to Ivermectin

Executive Summary The health authorities have done their best to stigmatize the use of Ivermectin and promote far less effective and more risky drugs. One of these is Molnupiravir. Introduction Ivermectin is a drug that is highly effective against multiple ailments. However, Merck and the health authorities have decided to create fear around the medicine…

Answering the Question of Where to Get Ivermectin

Executive Summary The pricing of Ivermectin varies a great deal. And we cover other factors to consider when purchasing Ivermectin in this article. Article Summary This article covers the options for getting Ivermectin, we perform a pricing analysis of options for Ivermectin, and then we provide a table where these options can be compared. Finally,…

Answering the Question of the Side Effects of Ivermectin in Humans

Executive Summary There are many questions related to the side effects of Ivermectin in humans, and a lot of inaccurate information provided by health authorities. This article covers the real story of the side effects of Ivermectin in humans. Introduction On the question of the side effects of Ivermectin in humans, to keep people from…

Answering the Question of Ivermectin’s Safety

Executive Summary Many questions exist about whether Ivermectin is safe for humans, and health authorities provide inaccurate information. This article covers the real story of Ivermectin safety. Introduction On the question of whether Ivermectin is safe for humans to keep people from taking Ivermectin, as it would have cannibalized the sales of far more expensive…

How it is Incredibly Difficult to Learn About Ineffective Chemotherapy Drugs

Executive Summary In addition to many cancer drugs not working, there is a notable lack of coverage of this topic. This article investigates this coverage issue. Introduction In the article How the FDA Constantly Performs Ineffective FDA Oncology Approvals to Score Points with Big Pharma, we cover how the FDA routinely approves cancer drugs that…

Is the Official Explanation of Metastasis Correct?

Executive Summary One of the essential topics of cancer study is metastasis, or how cancer spreads through the body. There are several explanations for how metastasis works. Introduction This article will begin by providing quotes from the medical establishment’s explanation for how metastasis works — and then we will transition to an alternative hypothesis of…

How Does Ivermectin Reduce Cancerous Tumors?

Executive Summary Ivermectin has multiple impressive ways it fights against cancer in prevention and treatment, and one of these is how it reduces tumors. Introduction In a previous article titled How Ivermectin Is Useful for Treating Cancer, we covered the evidence for the benefits of Ivermectin for cancer. But to understand the impact of Ivermectin…

By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Ivermectin Fight Cancer?

Executive Summary Ivermectin has multiple impressive ways it fights against cancer in prevention and treatment. Article Summary This article covers the history of the effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs versus cancer (for both prevention and treatment), and the different mechanisms by which Ivermectin works against cancer, including links to supporting articles for the different mechanisms. Wait…

How the FDA Has Been Corrupted by the Pharmaceutical Companies

Executive Summary This article covers studies into the corruption at the FDA and the typical drug approved by the FDA. Introduction The FDA has become highly corrupted by pharmaceutical companies. This is important for all people that take drugs in the US and elsewhere that rely on the FDA’s determination for drug effectiveness of safety….

How the FDA Constantly Performs Ineffective FDA Oncology Approvals to Score Points with Big Pharma

Executive Summary The FDA is so subservient to Big Pharma that they routinely approve new cancer drugs that don’t work. We cover how the drugs get pushed through. Introduction The FDA has become an unreliable source of whether a drug is effective. This is a common problem with new FDA oncology approvals. We will list…