How Drug Companies Smear MDs Who Oppose ADHD Drug Treatments as Scientologists

Executive Summary Pharmaceutical companies constantly pay off politicians, falsify clinical trials, and send pharma reps to lie to MDs. Why is it surprising they would falsely accuse critics of drugs? Introduction Pharmaceutical companies will protect their revenue streams by any means necessary. They will also do this if that means spreading false information to smear…

What is the Problem With Books on ADHD?

Executive Summary The field of ADHD suffers from the uniformity of perspective on the disease, with the vast majority of ADHD books showing little creativity. Introduction As we cover in many articles on this site, the medical consensus on treatments is often inconsistent with the research and is wrapped around the profitability of the treatment….

How Cancer Research Funded by the NIH and American Cancer Society is for Developing Profitable Items

Executive Summary Cancer research is not directed toward patients as much as it is directed as a subsidy for companies that provide cancer products and services. Introduction The explanation of the logic for cancer research presented to the public is false. The cover s and is that cancer research is funded to cure cancer, and…

How Much Has Early Detection Versus Treatment Reduced Deaths from Cancer?

Executive Summary The cancer industry proposes they are continually making great strides. How many improvements are due to treatment improvements versus earlier cancer detection? Introduction The statistics of cancer survival are manipulated when as time passes, cancers are, on average, diagnosed earlier. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this…

Why The Age Adjusted Cancer Deaths are Declining

Executive Summary The age-adjusted cancer deaths have declined. What is the cause of this decline? Introduction Cancer rates continue to increase; however, the age-adjusted death rate has declined. But the reason why is fundamental. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two…

Why Are Cancer Rates So Different Around The World?

Executive Summary If cancer were largely unrelated to environmental factors, we would see more uniform cancer rates. This is not what we see when we look across countries. Introduction Cancer rates differ enormously between the developed world and the lesser developed, which provides vital clues as to the causes of cancer. Wait One Second… Why…

How Effective is Chemotherapy?

Executive Summary Chemotherapy is presented as effective against cancer. What is the actual effectiveness of Chemotherapy? Introduction Centers that provide chemotherapy treatment usually do not discuss the general effectiveness of chemo. This article will delve into this topic. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

How Exercise is Related to Brain Health

Executive Summary Exercise is well known to be good for the body, but what it does for the brain is greatly underemphasized. Introduction The medical establishment has a series of financial conflicts of interest that make it de-emphasize the importance of exercise for brain health. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You…

How Benzodiazepines Produce Addiction Through Altering the Neurotransmition Process

Executive Summary The medical establishment proposes that benzodiazepines are only addictive if misused. This article covers how benzodiazepines alter the neurotransmission process, which creates addiction. Introduction The medical establishment hides from the public and antidepressant users that the process for addiction created by benzodiazepine has been known since the first of these drugs was made….