How Patients Became Confrontational From Being Killed By The NIH Covid Vaccine Protocols

Executive Summary The NIH treatment protocols are deadly for covid patients. Patients have become “problematic” by not always passively accepting this dangerous treatment. Introduction We cover in the article How The US Covid Treatment Protocol Maximized Hospital Admissions and Deaths that the NIH covid treatment protocol kills a high percentage of the people placed on…

The Myth That Unvaccinated Pose a Threat To The Vaccinated

Executive Summary There is a proposal that everyone must be vaccinated to protect the vaccinated. This takes the historical logic of vaccinations and turns it on its head. Introduction A significant area of false information presented and generally accepted is that the covid vaccines work by vaccinating the entire society. This has caused the vaccinated…

How Eli Lilly Pushed Through a Very Dubious New Condition Called PMDD

Executive Summary The story of how PMDD became an approved disorder listed in the DSM is essential to understanding both PMDD and how new diseases get approved. Introduction Pharmaceutical companies have enormous influence over creating new disorders listed in the DSM and prescribed for. The story of how PMDD became a recognized disorder sheds light…

How Seriously Should You Take a Diagnosis of PMDD?

Executive Summary The medical establishment claims that PMDD is a real disorder that requires the use of antidepressants. How much evidence is there for these claims? Introduction PMDD is a search term with a substantial amount of interest. If you read any medical establishment websites, they state it is a legitimate and severe disorder. These…

What You Should Know When Your MD Changes Your Antidepressant Dosage

Executive Summary MDs usually react to patient claims of antidepressant ineffectiveness or antidepressant side effects by prescribing an increased antidepressant dosage. This article covers the problems with this. Introduction One of the most critical factors related to antidepressants is the dosage. Usually, the dosage begins at a low level, but as time passes, this dosage…

How Did Dr Jordan Peterson Get Addicted to Benzodiazepines?

Executive Summary This is an amazing story of psychoactive drug use from a highly educated university professor that I put together through YouTube videos. Introduction Dr. Jordan Peterson was a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto for most of their career. Around ten years ago, he broke through to international fame. This article…

How The NIH And Hospitals Used Remdesivir To Quickly Kill Covid Patients

Executive Summary Remdesivir was critical in increasing the US covid mortality rate. See how the drug known as Dr. Fauci’s Death Tonic was used. Introduction Remdesivir is a deadly drug given Emergency Use Authorization while having its deadly adverse events hidden by ending the study early and through fraud. See how this drug helped medical…

How to Use Ivermectin to Protect Against the Covid Vaccines

Executive Summary The pharma companies and FDA lied about vaccines being safe and effective. How to treat the unsafe vaccines and their spike proteins with Ivermectin. Article Summary This article covers the reality of the safety and side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines by showing where the vaccine manufacturers, health authorities, and governments lied about…

Analysis of the Monoclonal Antibody Pembrolizumab for Treating Cancer

Executive Summary Monoclonal antibodies are one of the significant categories of immunotherapy treatments. One of the most popular is Pembrolizumab. Introduction Monoclonal antibodies designed to treat cancer are manufactured to kill cancer cells. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

Answering a Question on Whether Patients on Antidepressants Have Informed Consent

Executive Summary There is an assumption that there is informed consent for antidepressants and that the patients are free to get off them. This question and answer delve into that topic. Introduction This question arose from a subscriber on how antidepressants are prescribed and the outcomes for those on antidepressants who seek to get off…