What Information is Available for People to Perform Hospital Selection?

Executive Summary Hospital selection is one of the most essential parts of treating a medical condition. We cover what information is generally available to people. Introduction One of the lesser-discussed topics of medicine is how people make their hospital selections. In this article, we review the primary information sources for hospital selection. Wait One Second……

How Good is the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston?

Executive Summary According to multiple establishment media sources, MD Anderson is a renowned and top-rated cancer center. In this article, we review MD Anderson’s center. Introduction There are several rankings for the best cancer hospitals available on the Internet. Rankings for the best cancer hospitals are very infrequently analyzed for how accurate these online rankings…

How Yoga is Overrated as and Exercise for Health

Executive Summary Yoga is often promoted as both a good use of exercise time and healthy. How accurate is this reputation that yoga has? Introduction Yoga is often promoted as a healthy exercise; however, in this article, we call into question the comparative health benefits of yoga. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not…

Is Proton Therapy Effective Against Cancer?

Executive Summary One of the newer cancer treatments is called proton therapy. How effective is this treatment? Introduction Before reading this article, it is essential to read How Effective is Radiotherapy? This is because proton therapy is a category of radiotherapy, and proton therapy must be understood within the history of radiotherapy. Wait One Second……

What About The Best Cancer Hospitals Rankings for Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary There are online sources aligned with the medical establishment that rank the best cancer hospitals. How accurate are these rankings? Introduction There are several rankings for the best cancer hospitals available on the Internet. Rankings for the best cancer hospitals are very infrequently analyzed for how accurate these online rankings are. Wait One…

Non-Standard Steps to Take Against Cancer

Executive Summary Several steps to take against cancer do not involve the standard treatments offered by the medical establishment. Introduction This article provides an explanation and links to the non-standard steps for cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How Effective Are The Covid 19 Vaccines?

Executive Summary There has been a vastly oversimplified explanation of the effectiveness and safety of covid 19 vaccines. We cover some of the studies on this topic. Introduction Western health authorities and media have been nearly entirely focused on funding and promoting historically quickly-created coronavirus vaccines as the approved public policy response to the coronavirus….

How The US Covid Treatment Protocol Maximized Hospital Admissions and Deaths

Executive Summary The US NIH developed a deadly covid treatment protocol. This article explains how this treatment protocol is terrible for patients. Introduction This article explains the US covid treatment protocol that has come from the NIH and the CDC and which US hospitals are not allowed to question and which does not improve the…

How The Flatten the Curve Argument For Lockdowns Always Contained False Assumptions

Executive Summary Flattening the curve as a concept was presented as the logic for lockdowns. How accurate were the assumptions under this concept? Introduction Governments and public health spokespeople like Dr. Fauci have supported and performed lockdowns globally. In another article, I cover the lack of scientific support for the lockdowns. In this article, I…