How Does Mitochondrial Metabolism Relate to Cancer?

Executive Summary The standard explanation of cancer is based upon unchecked errors in the DNA of the nucleus. The metabolic theory of cancer turns this explanation on its head. Introduction What you will not read on the websites of the medical establishment is the divergent metabolism of cancer cells from normal cancer cells. The medical…

What Percentage of Heart Disease is Estimated to be Genetic?

Executive Summary A central assumption the medical establishment helps perpetuate is that diseases are strongly genetic. This is not true of heart disease. Introduction The medical establishment emphasizes DNA and genetics research over lifestyle research, which is true even though heart disease is only a small percentage due to genetics. Wait One Second… Why is…

What Percentage of Scleroderma is Estimated to be Genetic?

Executive Summary A central assumption the medical establishment helps perpetuate is that diseases are strongly genetic. This is not true of scleroderma. Introduction The medical establishment emphasizes DNA and genetics research over lifestyle research, and this is true even though scleroderma is only a small percentage due to genetics. Wait One Second… Why is The…

What Percentage of Cancer is Estimated to be Genetic?

Executive Summary A central assumption that the medical establishment helps perpetuate is that cancer is strongly genetic. Just how much of global cancer is genetic in origin? Introduction Is cancer genetic? Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason…

Cancer Research is the Worst Performing Investment of Any US Medical Research Initiative

Executive Summary Based upon the input versus the output, cancer is the worst investment of medical research dollars in US history. Introduction The medical establishment has been involved in a half-century of exaggerating cancer research benefits, and cancer research is nowhere near as effective as is claimed. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not…

How the Medical Establishment and Media Misrepresent the Progress Against Cancer

Executive Summary The medical establishment continually promotes the idea that significant progress is being made against cancer. What is left out is the many-decade failures of cancer research. Introduction The medical establishment exaggerates enormously about cancer incidence and treatment outcomes. It is clear that the establishment feels no ethical obligation to present progress honestly but…

Why Cancer Centers Don’t Focus on Prevention or Overall Health

Executive Summary There are many ways to prevent cancer and improve health in the face of cancer. Why does this information not come from cancer centers? Introduction We have covered many ways to prevent and manage cancer at this site. What is curious is that when we check the websites of the primary cancer centers…

The Mayo Clinic’s Problematic Explanation of Weight Loss and the Wall

Executive Summary The wall is well known among those seeking to lose weight. This covers the inconsistency between testing and the Mayo Clinic’s explanation of the phenomena. Introduction The wall is a nonlinear reduction in the weight given the same weight loss activities that occur after the first significant amount of weight loss. Wait One…

Why Does the Incidence of Cancer Keep Rising?

Executive Summary The medical establishment continually promotes the idea that significant progress is being made against cancer. If this is true, why does the incidence of cancer keep rising? Introduction Something you will never hear the medical establishment admit is that the incidence of cancer has been rising for decades. Wait One Second… Why is…

What is the Relationship Between Cancer and Obesity?

Executive Summary The medical establishment promotes the connection between obesity and cancer. Why are they so short on explanations as to why this is the case? Introduction The first article you should read to understand this subject, if you have not already entirely, is The Implications of Long-Term Chronic Inflammation.  Wait One Second… Why is The…