Most Chemotherapy Patients Overestimate The Average Life Extension of Chemotherapy

Executive Summary The vast majority of cancer patients accept chemotherapy even though their expected life extension from chemotherapy is lower than what they say they need to accept chemotherapy. Introduction How much life extension do cancer patients require to agree to chemotherapy? It turns out there was a study on this topic. However, there is…

How Does The Medical Establishment Present Chemotherapy Drugs Versus Their Reality?

Executive Summary There is a vast chasm between the reality of chemotherapy drugs and what is presented by websites of the medical establishment. Introduction This article addresses the significant discrepancy between how the medical establishment presents chemotherapy drugs versus their reality. Go to top First Things First These are the two most important things to…

A Miserable Experience at a Banner Hospital in Mesa AZ

Executive Summary The experiences at many, if not most, hospitals are horrible. This article covers one of these types of experiences. Introduction This article describes an experience supporting a patient admitted to the Mesa Banner Heart Hospital on Jan 1st, 2022. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text…

The Absurd Markup of Over 300% on Average For Chemotherapy Drugs

Executive Summary Cancer centers very significantly mark up chemotherapy drugs. This article covers this topic from several dimensions. Introduction If one looks at the normal drug market, one sees corruption in that the pharma companies create financial incentives for MDs to prescribe on-patent drugs for which there are better generic alternatives. However, for most drugs,…

How the Media Mindlessly Accepted Bill Gates Fake Research into Hydroxychloroquine

Executive Summary When Bill Gates funded fake research to show that Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against covid — the establishment media carried forth the fake results to the public. Introduction It was amazing to go back and read the coverage by the establishment media of a Bill Gates-funded study into the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine for covid….

How the FDA Lied About the Safety and Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine Versus Covid

Executive Summary Hydroxychloroquine is a drug with effectiveness against covid. The FDA both falsely claimed there is no effectiveness and then added false claims of it being a dangerous drug. Introduction Tax dollars partially pay for the FDA. However, it does not work for the public interest, and instead, pharmaceutical companies can view it as…

The Cancer Genome Project Exposed Hundreds of Completely Ineffective Drugs

Executive Summary The Cancer Genome Project was a significant research expenditure with enormous benefits to coming up with cancer treatments promised. Introduction The investment into cancer research is highly inefficient and focuses on developing highly profitable items for private companies rather than on patient outcomes. A perfect example of this is the Cancer Genome Project….

How Poorly Structured Cellular Cytoplasm Leads to Dysfunctional Mitochondria and Cancer

Executive Summary When the cytoplasm within the cell becomes dysregulated, the mitochondria become defective. This is core to understanding how cells become cancerous. Introduction Mitochondria become defective when the cytoplasm in the cell is dysregulated. This is a vital part of understanding how cells become cancerous. Before explaining this hypothesis, let us review the explanation…

References for Brightwork Corona Virus Articles

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our coronavirus and pharmaceutical articles. Introduction This is the reference list for the coronavirus and pharmaceutical articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead…

How Stress and Feeling of Helplessness Promotes Cancer

Executive Summary Chronic stress leads to chronic inflammation, a precursor to many diseases. This article focuses on the importance of stress reduction. Introduction We all know that stress has a negative impact on our health, but did you know stress can actually promote cancer? Yes, stress and cancer are linked. It’s true – stress promotes…