Hyperprogression: How Immunotherapy Frequently Leads to Worsening Cancer

Executive Summary Immunotherapy often worsens cancer and further weakens the patient. In this article, we discuss what the articles that cover immunotherapy on sites that promote the topic do not cover. Introduction A significant side effect of immunotherapy is called hyperprogression, or HPD. Hyperprogression is where the immunotherapy drug worsens the impact of cancer that…

Breast Cancer Patients Are Still Not Getting Shorter Chemotherapy Treatment

Executive Summary While there is ample evidence for breast cancer patients to get less chemotherapy, patients are still getting too lengthy treatments. Introduction In a previous article titled How The Medical Establishment Hides Their Error With Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, several articles claimed that chemotherapy had become much more targeted due to genetic testing. Wait…

How Effective is Precision or Targeted Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary Many cancer centers promote the benefits of prediction oncology. This article covers the reality of the effectiveness of precision oncology or precision cancer treatment. Introduction It is widespread for cancer centers and oncologists to promote precision or targeted cancer treatment. In this article, we present the expected effects of these items. Wait One…

What is the Difference Between the Purchase Unit and Dosage for Ivermectin?

Executive Summary When applying an Ivermectin dosage, the relationship between the purchasing unit and the dosage can be questioned. Introduction The purchasing unit of a drug is different than the dosage. And the two also are essential when considering which purchasing unit to buy. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

How Patients and Oncologists Engage in Mutual Delusion on Cancer Mortality and Life Expectancy

Executive Summary One of the little-discussed topics of oncology is how both oncologists and patients do not address the issue of life expectancy as part of the cancer prognosis. Introduction One of the significant areas not covered by the establishment media or any medical entity is that cancer patients have a highly inaccurate understanding of…

Is There a Best Ivermectin Dosage for Cancers or Different Cancer Types?

Executive Summary We sometimes receive questions about whether there is a different optimal dosage of Ivermectin per cancer type. I cover how we have adjusted our Ivermectin dosage calculator per cancer type. Introduction Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How The Medical Establishment Hides Their Errors With Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Executive Summary The cancer industry has a peculiar way of presenting how they are wrong on topics. One example is how they presented the fact they have been treating women with breast cancer with chemotherapy that they should not have been. Introduction Chemotherapy was misused on breast cancer patients until it was finally proven to…

Case Study: The Ivermectin Dosage for A Person with Pancreatic Cancer

Executive Summary This will cover a dosage for a specific person with pancreatic cancer. Introduction This article covers an interesting case study for pancreatic cancer and Ivermectin dosing. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are…

Can One Safely Go Higher in Dosage Than the Recommended Dosage for Ivermectin?

Executive Summary Ivermectin dosage levels are a constant source of interest for site subscribers. In this article, we will address if there are issues going higher than the recommended dosage. Introduction I have had several questions about how the dosage of Ivermectin can diverge from the recommended amount listed in the Brightwork Ivermectin Dosage Guide….

How Accurate is the Presentation of Immunotherapy as a New Cancer Treatment?

Executive Summary With the focus of many articles promoting immunotherapy as new, we decided to look into how new immunotherapy is. Introduction A significant item that articles that promote immunotherapy emphasize is that immunotherapy is new. That is not true but is rarely questioned, most likely because it is so commonly asserted. In this article,…