How Effective Are the Standard Treatments for Parkinson’s?

Executive Summary The medical establishment promotes accepting their treatment for Parkinson’s without evidence that it benefits Parkinson’s patients. Introduction The medical establishment provides a bizarre scenario to Parkinson’s patients. At first, they state that their treatments don’t do much more than reduce symptoms. However, right after this, they state that it’s important for Parkinson’s patients…

How Processed Food Companies Greenwashed Plant Based Meat and Milk

Executive Summary Plant-based meat and milk products are core items to what is widely considered health food. This article addresses how accurate this presentation is. Introduction There has been little coverage of a very important topic of health: how healthy is plant-based meat and milk replacements. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable?…

The Best Ways to Optimize Mitochondrial Function

Executive Summary Mitochondrial function is central to cancer prevention, maintaining mental abilities, and delaying aging. This article covers what optimizes mitochondria. Introduction Doing the things necessary to optimize your mitochondria is one the best things to be done for health and disease prevention. Mitochondria are the power plants of your cells. Wait One Second… Why…

Treatment Analysis for Cervical and Uterine Cancer

Executive Summary This article analyzes treatment options for cervical and uterine cancer. Cancer Type Cervical and uterine cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed In The only reason this…

The Testing Evidence for Broccoli Against Cancer

Executive Summary Broccoli is highly beneficial for both cancer prevention and treatment. This article describes the mechanism of broccoli on cancer. Introduction Broccoli is one of the items to prevent and fight cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

Is Extreme Exercise a Form of Cancer Prevention?

Executive Summary There is a great deal of celebration of people who engage in extreme exercise on the part of cancer survivors. How good of an idea is this type of exercise? Introduction This article analyzes a well-known trope, which is that of the cancer survivor who becomes an extreme exerciser, and whether this is…

How Chemotherapy Often Causes Metastasis

Executive Summary Surprisingly, a strong relationship exists between chemotherapy driving the spread of cancer. In this article, we examine the connection. Introduction Something never discussed by the medical establishment is why metastasis so often follows chemotherapy. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because…

What is the Natural and Optimal Blood Level of Vitamin D?

Executive Summary The medical establishment can’t seem to figure out the optimal Vitamin D levels even though the studies on the levels are clear. Introduction This video will provide evidence for the optimal Vitamin D levels and then compare this against what the medical establishment claims. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable?…

Understanding How Cancerous Tumors Develop

Executive Summary It is beneficial to understand how tumors develop. Introduction To understand cancer, it is beneficial to understand their growth. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed In The…

Treatment Analysis for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Executive Summary This article analyzes treatment options for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Cancer Type Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed In The only reason this should happen…