How the Business Model of Cancer Treatment and Oncology Works

Executive Summary The business model of oncology and cancer treatment is focused on profit maximization through treating far more people than need to be treated. Introduction Before accepting any cancer treatment, it is important to understand the business model of cancer treatment and oncology. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

The Low and Exaggerated Effectiveness of Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapies

Executive Summary Checkpoint inhibitors have low effectiveness for their exorbitant costs. These exorbitant costs make them desirable treatments for oncologists and cancer centers. Introduction This article addresses the low general effectiveness of checkpoint inhibitors immunotherapies. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of…

How Chemotherapy Was Discovered from Mustard Gas

Executive Summary Understanding the origin of chemotherapy is core to understanding why it causes so much damage to cancer patients. Introduction We cover the history of the mastectomy and ask why this surgery continues to be used. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article…

The Chemotherapy Drug Cisplatin the Side Effect of Tachycardia

Executive Summary Heart complications are a side effect of not only cisplatin but of many chemotherapy drugs. Introduction We cover the history of the mastectomy and ask why this surgery continues to be used. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two…

The Ridiculous and Ever Spiraling Costs of Immunotherapy

Executive Summary Immunotherapy is an exorbitantly priced cancer treatment with highly exaggerated cancer outcomes. Introduction This article addresses the eye-popping costs of immunotherapy. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed…

By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Mebendazole Fight Cancer?

Executive Summary Mebendazole has multiple impressive ways it fights against cancer in prevention and treatment. Introduction But to understand the impact of Mebendazole on cancer, it is essential to know how many different ways Mebendazole has this impact. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

Case Study: About My Sun Exposure and Collagen Supplementation

Executive Summary This article describes my experiences with obtaining daily sun exposure. Introduction I have written several articles on sun exposure, health, cancer in general, and skin cancer specifically, using research to support them. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two…

Is Colorado’s Higher Incidence of Melanoma Due to Altitude and Argument Against Sun Exposure?

Executive Summary Dermatology and medical schools use the high incidence of melanoma in Colorado as evidence that sun exposure causes melanoma. We evaluate the accuracy of this claim. Introduction Colorado’s higher incidence of melanoma has been used as an argument to reduce sun exposure. However, this argument misses several important points. Wait One Second… Why…

Why Do The Amish Have Lower Incidence of Melanoma Along With Higher Sun Exposure?

Executive Summary Dermatologists request that you not observe that the Amish have lower melanoma incidence along with high sun exposure levels. Introduction The medical establishment has very carefully not discussed the studies of the effect of sun exposure on cancers and has held to the story that sun exposure increases skin cancer risk. Another example…