Biased Fact Checking from USA Today on Claims Against Pfizer

Executive Summary USA Today fact-checked a claim about corruption at Pfizer. We see how balanced and honest this fact check is. Introduction The following is an analysis of the USA Today fact check on claims of Pfizer bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trials. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing…

How the Fake Covid Fact Checker Reuters Does Not Disclose Pfizer Financial Connections

Executive Summary Reuters performs fact-checking that supports companies that are financially connected to Reuters. Introduction Reuters performs supposed fact-checking of stories on covid, which always supports the narrative supported by the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies. What Reuters fails to disclose is its financial connections to Pfizer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article…

Pandemic In A Box: The Specific Steps Used to Create the Covid Pandemic

Executive Summary A series of steps have been taken that allowed the covid pandemic to be created. This article will explain these steps. Introduction There have been significant steps taken in the process of the pandemic that allowed the pandemic to be created without covid being the threat that the governments, medical establishments, and pharmaceutical…

Emails Expose NIH, Media and Big Tech Covering Up Lab Leak Hypothesis

Executive Summary The NIH, media, and Big Tech stated that the lab leak hypothesis was a conspiracy theory. The emails from the NIH prove the NIH performed a cover-up. Introduction Fauci, Collins, and many others who interacted with them at the NIH have been exposed to cover up the likelihood that the covid virus was…

How Tanzania’s Magufuli Figured Out The PRC Test Is Fake

Executive Summary The PCR tests created fake covid cases and fake covid deaths. The leader of one African country figured this out before almost anyone else. Introduction Magufuli figured out that the PCR covid tests were a scam and did so convincingly by testing fruit and livestock and finding they came back positive. This article…

Was Tanzania’s Magufuli Killed Because He Showed The PRC Test Is Fake?

Executive Summary Tanzania’s Magufuli figured out the PCR tests were used to create fake covid cases and fake covid deaths. There is a good chance he was killed for this. Introduction Magufuli figured out that the PCR covid tests were a scam and did so convincingly by testing fruit and livestock and finding they came…

How Heath Authorities And The Media Lied About Covid Deaths And Comorbidities

Executive Summary Most of those who died from covid had multiple comorbidities. This was lied about and called a conspiracy theory throughout the pandemic. Introduction Health authorities lied about the impact of comorbidities through the pandemic and then smeared people who pointed out the issue with comorbidities as conspiracy theorists. Wait One Second… Why is…

How Covid Vaccine Manufacturers Used the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization to Unblind Their Studies

Executive Summary The vaccine manufacturers used a trick after receiving their EUA from the FDA. They unblinded the studies, which ruined them for long-term study. Introduction Clinical trials are supposed to be blinded. However, after receiving the Emergency Use Authorization, the drug companies unblinded the study, which prevented the study from validating longer term (greater…

Ethical Obligation Or A Drug With Dangerous Adverse Effects That Need To Be Hidden?

Executive Summary Ethical considerations are used as an excuse for pharmaceutical companies to end clinical trials early. This is done to hide the adverse effects of the drug. Introduction We have observed a pattern when hearing that a study must end early because the. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

How The Common Cold Has a Higher Death Rate Than Covid For Those at End of Life

Executive Summary The average age of mortality from covid is 81.5, and the death rate from covid is lower than that for the common cold for those at end of life. Introduction There are many areas of covid that the medical establishment and establishment media do not want anyone to know. One of these is…