The Cancers For Which Ivermectin Has Been Demonstrated to Be Effective

Executive Summary Ivermectin is proven to treat a variety of different cancers. Article Summary This article covers all of the major cancers and has supporting articles for whether there are studies that support the use of Ivermectin against each of these cancers. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this…

The Testing Evidence for Using Ivermectin for Treating Kidney Cancer

Executive Summary This article covers the evidence I could find for Ivermectin as a treatment for Kidney Cancer. Introduction This article provides an overview covering the evidence for Ivermectin versus kidney cancer. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons….

Understanding the Medical Establishment’s Great Vaccine Scam

Executive Summary Vaccine promotion is an over 100-year scam that is based upon falsifying medical history as well as lying about modern vaccines. Introduction The medical establishment began providing false information about vaccines from the moment they were first introduced and has never stopped. They have accelerated what amounts to a massive vaccine scam. Wait…

The Scam of the Medical Presentation of Antibodies

Executive Summary Antibodies are commonly discussed in immunology and in medical articles. There is something very important to know when MDs and health authorities use the term. Introduction The general assumption tends to be the following on antibodies. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

The Accuracy of Information from The Herscan Cancer Screening Website

Executive Summary Cancer screening in big business. We analyze the claims and information of the cancer screening company Herscan. Introduction Cancer screening is considered a perfect way to protect one’s health. Let’s see what the effectiveness of cancer screen is in terms of outcomes. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are…

How The Pandemic Complex Massively Exaggerated Ebola as a Threat

Executive Summary Ebola was a major initiative by the pandemic complex to perform fundraising. This required making false claims and instilling fear. Introduction The CDC has been perpetually inaccurate; the establishment media carried the story about Ebola as if the CDC had a history of being accurate about calling pandemics. Wait One Second… Why is…

The WHO and CDC’s History of Using the Spanish Flu to Exaggerate Risks

Executive Summary The CDC and WHO are not public health entities but a propaganda arm of vaccine manufacturers. One of their tactics is to use the Spanish flu. Introduction How the WHO and CDC have provided false information about the history of the Spanish flu and used the memory of the Spanish flu to exaggerate…

Is Cervical Cancer Caused by the HPV Virus?

Executive Summary It is considered established science that the HPV virus causes cervical cancer. How accurate is this claim? Introduction The hypothesis that viruses cause cancers has an exceedingly shady history, filled with false and exaggerated claims by the medical establishment. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text…

How Virologists Researchers Rigged Virus Studies to Gain Access to Cancer Research Funds

Executive Summary Virology researchers spent many decades trying to prove that viruses cause cancer while performing bad science and consuming research funding. Introduction Virologists have claimed for years that viruses cause several cancers and that cancer vaccines to stop cancer are right around the corner. Most of this time has been spent following up dead…

Tips on How to Bring Ivermectin from the US to Canada

Executive Summary This article advises how to bring Ivermectin into Canada when traveling from the US to Canada. Introduction Our recommended Ivermectin source does not ship to Canada. However, for those planning to visit the US, this article explains how to bring Ivermectin into Canada. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You…