How the Medical Establishment Bought Off AIDS Activists

Executive Summary The medical establishment bought the silence and eventual support of AIDS activists for AZT. Introduction AZT is a deadly chemotherapy drug that was repurposed to be used against HIV. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason…

How the CDC Lied About AZT Deaths Being Due to AIDS

Executive Summary The CDC took deaths that were due to AZT and falsely attributed them to AIDS. Introduction AZT is a deadly chemotherapy drug that was repurposed to be used against HIV. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons….

High Risk Groups: Drug Abuse and Degradation of the Immune System and AIDS

Executive Summary How AIDS was a manufactured disease to get research funding is a fascinating story. Introduction What is called AIDS is not caused by HIV but by extensive drug use, which happens to be highly concentrated in the gay community. However, the medical establishment promoted the virus hypothesis to benefit itself rather than benefit…

The Percentage of Cancer Mortality That is Due to Cancer Treatment

Executive Summary There is very little research into the percentage of deaths listed under cancer that are due to cancer treatment. Introduction Deaths from cancer treatment are not listed in the official statistics of cancer mortality. However, this is impossible, as it means the assertion is that zero cancer deaths are due to cancer treatment….

How Merck Conducted Scientific Fraud it its Vioxx Clinical Trials

Executive Summary Merck was caught red-handed performing scientific fraud in its Vioxx clinical trial. Introduction Merck’s scientific fraud on Vioxx shows how pharmaceutical companies can engage in any fraud and are not punished by drug regulators. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because…

Analysis of the Official and Hidden Causes of Mortality

Executive Summary The top causes of mortality are not what tends to get the most focus, and they are relatively easily addressed. Introduction These are the list of items that can be used to prevent and fight heart disease. They are all inexpensive and also suitable for general health. Wait One Second… Why is The…

How Virologists Concocted AIDS to Obtain Research Funding

Executive Summary How AIDS was a manufactured disease to get research funding is a fascinating story. Introduction AIDS was a constructed disease that turned out to be highly effective in allowing virologists to receive many billions of dollars in research funding, and which changed the culture to be concerned about a sexually transmitted disease that…

The Questionable Effectiveness of New Chemotherapy Drugs

Executive Summary The drug approval process has become so corrupt that there is little evidence for the effectiveness of new chemotherapy drugs. Introduction It is very easy for chemotherapy drugs to be approved — and there is little control over keeping ineffective chemotherapy drugs from being put into clinical use. Wait One Second… Why is…

The Connection Between Gut Health and the Effectiveness of the Immune System

Executive Summary Gut health is highly connected and supportive of the immune system. Antibiotics are one way that degrades both of these items. Introduction Gut health is critical to immune system function — and it is one of the most underestimated aspects of the immune system. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable?…