How The Burroughs Wellcome AZT Clinical Trial Was Unblinded

Executive Summary The AZT clinical trial was unblinded and known to be unblinded, yet this information had no effect on AZT’s FDA approval. Introduction How AZT was promoted as a treatment for HIV when AZT cannot do anything more than kill any cell that it encounters is a story of medical corruption for the ages—one…

How Burroughs Wellcome Promoted the Deadly AZT Drug as Early AIDS Treatment

Executive Summary AZT is a terrible drug that Burroughs Wellcome promoted that AIDS patients use for “early treatment.” This is a strategy employed by the cancer industry. Introduction How AZT was promoted as a treatment for HIV when AZT cannot do anything more than kill any cell that it encounters is a story of medical…

How Diseases Are Categorized Can Be a Highly Political and Unscientific Process

Executive Summary There are several diseases that the medical establishment strangely misclassifies. Several examples are provided in this article. Introduction The process of disease categorization is far less scientific than is generally understood. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

Using Chemotherapy Drugs to Reduce Blood Platelets

Executive Summary This article covers the use of chemotherapy to bring down blood platelets. Introduction One of the applications for chemotherapy is when platelets are too high, which is a disease called Thrombocythemia. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How Virologists Concocted a False Hypothesis of Viruses Causing Cancer

Executive Summary Virologists and the NCI (under the NIH) pushed to grab cancer research funding by proposing the false hypothesis that a virus causes cancer. Introduction It is highly educational to get the inside and much-hidden story about how the virologists were able to, in a most unrestricted fashion, scam research funding for decades for…

How Chemotherapy Drugs Cannot Specifically Target Cancer Cells

Executive Summary Chemotherapy patients are given the distinct impression that chemotherapy can target their cancer cells. Introduction One of the often repeated claims by oncologists is that chemotherapy can specifically target cancer cells. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential…

How the Latency Period Means AIDS Cannot be Caused by a Virus

Executive Summary There are very obvious reasons why HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS. We cover these reasons in this article. Introduction This extremely important letter contains the logical questions of the official virus hypothesis of AIDS. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the…

How the Virologists Made Hepatitis C to be Caused by a Virus

Executive Summary When is an infectious disease not infectious? When it is hepatitis C. Introduction Virology has a little-discussed and significantly censored multi-century history of getting many diseases wrong and trying to propose that just about every disease is due to a bacteria or a virus. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable?…

How the Virologists Created the Fake Idea of the Slow Virus

Executive Summary The slow virus was manufactured from whole cloth because the way viruses work did not fit with the needs of virologists. Introduction Virology has a little-discussed and significantly censored multi-century history of getting many diseases wrong and trying to propose that just about every disease is due to a bacteria or a virus….

How the Virus and Bacteria Disease Hypothesis Undermined Solving Scurvy, BeriBeri & Pellagra

Executive Summary The attempt to push the virus hypothesis into every area of ailment repeatedly set back solving major health issues, including scurvy and beriberi. Introduction Virology has a little-discussed and significantly censored multi-century history of getting many diseases wrong and trying to propose that just about every disease is due to a bacteria or…