How Laetrile Was Suppressed by Sloan Kettering for Cancer Treatment

Executive Summary The story of the suppression of Laetrile is critical to understanding how the medical establishment sidelines treatments that compete with their preferred treatments. Introduction The story of the suppression of Laetrile in the 1970s is amazing and very important in understanding how the medical establishment stops competitive treatments from being tested and used….

Ivermectin and its Potential Use Against Herpes

Executive Summary This article covers the potential use of Ivermectin versus herpes. Introduction Ivermectin is likely beneficial to use against herpes. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You are a Subscriber but Not Signed In The…

Ivermectin’s Effect on Cancerous Stem Cells

Executive Summary This article covers the topic of Ivermectin and cancerous stem cells or CSCs. Introduction Stem cells are the early life stage cells that can become specialized cells. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of two potential reasons. Reason #1: You…

Analyzing the Shocking and Terminal Toxicity of AZT

Executive Summary AZT is a shockingly toxic drug that will eventually kill anyone who takes it. The fact the medical establishment has covered this up illustrates how the medical system works. Introduction How AZT was known to cause cancer, but this fact was hidden from the public and from those who took AZT. Wait One…

How the Medical Establishment Covered Up AZT Cancer Causing Action

Executive Summary AZT has been known to cause cancer for decades. The medical establishment covered this up. Introduction How AZT was known to cause cancer, but this fact was hidden from the public and from those who took AZT. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of…

How Burroughs Wellcome and Health Authorities Rigged The AZT Drug Studies

Executive Summary Burroughs Wellcome and health authorities coordinated to provide the public with false information on the safety and effectiveness of AZT. Introduction Promoting AZT based on false studies was a combined effort demonstrating a high degree of coordination between Burroughs Wellcome and multiple health authorities. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable?…

How 30% of AZT Patients Require Continual Blood Transfusions

Executive Summary AZT is a terrible drug that is so destructive to bone marrow that 30% of those who take it require continual blood transfusions. Introduction AZT led to very large numbers of blood transfusions. Wait One Second… Why is The Article Not Viewable? You are seeing this text instead of the article because of…

How The Burroughs Wellcome AZT Clinical Trial Was Unblinded

Executive Summary The AZT clinical trial was unblinded and known to be unblinded, yet this information had no effect on AZT’s FDA approval. Introduction How AZT was promoted as a treatment for HIV when AZT cannot do anything more than kill any cell that it encounters is a story of medical corruption for the ages—one…

How Burroughs Wellcome Promoted the Deadly AZT Drug as Early AIDS Treatment

Executive Summary AZT is a terrible drug that Burroughs Wellcome promoted that AIDS patients use for “early treatment.” This is a strategy employed by the cancer industry. Introduction How AZT was promoted as a treatment for HIV when AZT cannot do anything more than kill any cell that it encounters is a story of medical…